August 16th, 2021: Antique Games

Crew Members: Yosef, Eliyahu, Raphy, Zevvy

I schlepped out to Bar Ilan for some good old fashioned gaming.

7 Wonders: Cities and Leaders

Yosef, Eliyahu and Raphy played this before I arrived while they were finishing age III. Eliyahu had some sort of pacifism ability and Yosef didn’t have any military, so Raphy took those points easily. Eliyahu had a lot of science but not much else, despite producing many resources. Raphy had some science and guilds, but Yosef won with what looked like many blue cards, money, and some of the white cards from the expansion which I’m not familiar with.


Simple rules, at first there was not much interaction. Yosef went for market while Eliyahu and I built armies. I then went straight for a Marble Temple, which allowed me to build more Temples on Gold. Eliyahu had an Iron Temple and basically took over the seas. Yosef was stuck in his corner but was leading in points for a while anyway, having also gotten 7 seas. I was Germany, most of my cities were on land. By the time Eliyahu’s armies came to destroy my Temples, I had gotten lots of gold which later gave me Scholars. I managed to sneak 7 seas by building boats in all my port cities in one turn. Also managed to get 15 cities and though I swapped temple destruction with Eliyahu, I had enough gold to get my last point from another Scholar before either Yosef or Eliyahu could catch up.

Early Game

Antike is one of the ‘older’ games but I think it’s perfectly designed. I read up on the new version and what it tries to fix but we didn’t have those problems at least in our 3 player game.