October 16, 2019: Futility of Futilities!

Crew Members: Kevin, Zevvy, Shlomo, Daniel, Yehuda, Tikva


Played a couple rounds with Kevin, setting a pawn as bait allowed my Master to sneak by in the first game after some attrition. Second game had Tiger, which ended quickly.



Got tools out for early upgrade to Level 3. Yehuda drew many cards trying to get the Monument Achievement via Masonry. I got Agriculture, scoring 5 points everytime and getting Achievements 1-4. Pirate Code was no good against me since I only had  5 point cards. It wasn’t long before I got 5 and 6 as well, upgrading quickly thanks to Printing Press and Yehuda playing Astronomy.


We started pretty late so I warned we wouldn’t get very far…halfway through the second round I had to leave, just as people were starting to form diplomatic relations or upgrade enough to fight the Ancients. Probably will implement some sort of simultaneous play if we ever have a large group interested in this again.


Before the holidays I played a quick game with Netanel and Yair and Ophir, we played Atilla, Human Punishment (kickstarted game like Good Cop, Bad Cop with more stuff happening), and Just One.